A process of delivering a singular product for multiple off-site construction projects and realizing that product with late-20th century manufacturing principles. Critically, these products combine more than one construction discipline (framers, plumbers, electricians, etc), and the products are realized with principles from Design for Manufacturability (DFM) and Design for Assembly (DFA).
(European) Bathroom pod maker PodComp and LOGIC have both graduated from antiquated stud frames to deliver completely finished 21st C bathroom modules with more efficient pre-finished panels.
“Offsite manufacturing promises to revolutionize the construction industry, but only if architects, contractors, and developers adopt offsite construction practices in their projects.”
Many US module, pod, and panel fabricators have failed to organize as genuine off-site manufacturers. Their early careers were spent in the construction industry, and when establishing their products, simply ported site-built tools and materials into their own production. This is simply “indoor construction” and fails to realize the efficiencies seen in the automotive manufacturing or airplane manufacturing fields. When evaluating off-site partners, be sure to review production videos to understand what level of manufacturing savings are available.